Pictured here with the Free to Breathe CA CEO Margo and one of her primary advocates, Roslynn. We crossed from the House to the Senate side 10 times! Well worth the aching feet!
May 13th and 14th were United for Lung Health Advocacy Days on Capital Hill. I represented National Lung Cancer Partnership and advocated for increased funding for the NIH and CDC, and for Lung Cancer Awareness.
I met with Senator Lugar, Senator Bayh, and Senator Feinstein's office. I also met with 7 congressmen from CA and Indiana. Everyone was very receptive to my agenda:
6.6% increase in funding for NIH (National Institutes of Health) and CDC (Center for Disease Control)
Increased funding for CMAQ (air quality Improvement)
Increased funding for DERA (Diesel Emission Reduction)
Support of the Family Smoking Prevention Act
Reinforcement of the Indoor Radon Abatement Act (one of the leading causes of lung cancer)
Most importantly, I had a face-to-face meeting with Senator Barbara Boxer, Chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee. She is a strong advocate for clean air, disease control, and cancer funding. After I shared my story about how I lost my mom, she shared that she was aware that lung cancer kills TWICE as many women as breast cancer and that lung cancer has never had adequate funding.
Senator Boxer is writing and sponsoring a Bill for Lung Cancer funding! This means NATIONAL sponsorship and funding! I am working with the DC staff to get this on the floor for voting by the next administration! This is huge, as it will allow funding for research, which will lead to better screening, better treatment and better survival rate. I am so very happy! This proves that one person CAN make a difference.