Sunday, November 18, 2007

LUNGevity's LA Lung Walk 2007

My son, Cameron and I walked for Lung Cancer Awareness at the LUNGevity Lung Walk in Manhattan Beach, CA today. We joined "Team 4 1/2 Lungs", CA Lung Cancer Alliance Co-Chair Mike Stevens and the other CA advocates fighting lung cancer! I was honored to be part of such a passionate and determined group of people fighting for their life and the lives of others. Each of the 3 main members combined have only 4 1/2 lungs - hence the name - and they are each fighting to live (they never smoked, in case you are wondering!). WE were lucky enough to be able to tell our story to the media, so look for the link to the article soon. I am pictured here with my son, Cameron; Mike and me; Team 4 1/2 Lungs! The more events like this, the better the awareness and funding.

Charity Fashion Show

On Friday, I modeled for the Covina Assembly of God's Annual Charity Fashion Show, "Razzle Dazzle". It was amazing! Over 500 people attended. We modeled clothing from Cache and Carlisle. I'm pictured with the rep from Carlisle and some of the helpers from the church. In the second picture, I'm with the event's coordinator, Lucienda.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Free to Breathe Lung Cancer Walk

Yesterday, November 11th, I attended the Free to Breathe Lung Cancer Walk in Encino, CA. I had to be up and ready at 6am!!! so not much in the way of makeup, and I think I have on 3 layers of clothing! It was cold. I was one of the Speakers, speaking on behalf of Advocates in the USA. I shared the story of losing my mom and how awareness and treatments have changed over the past 11 years. Kathy Joosten of Deserate Housewives is a Lung Cancer Survivor and also spoke and shared her story.
I am on the planning committee for the Free to Breathe Walks, which is one of the fundraisers coordinated through National Lung Cancer Partnership. I am working to establish more throughout the country, but is takes time! If you are interested in getting an event in your state, please send a comment! Anything that can be done to raise awareness helps raise funding!
I am pictured with the Kathy Joosten in the 2 photo and in the last photo, this is the Planning Commitee, including Regina Vidaver, Executive Director and Kenda Schwarz, Director of Marketing and Outreach.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Nintendo Commercial

I have been very lucky in the last few weeks, I have booked a Jewelry Commercial, an Infomercial, a Furniture Commercial and this Nintendo Promo! Here are a few photos from today, so look for the Promo to show on channels nationwide. I am also going to be a contestant on the Gameshow "Temptation" next November 14th at 2pm PST (check your local listing for times). This was fun today because I was able to play Wii Tennis all day long with my TV family! Fun!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My friends!

This is my dearest friend, Cinamon Loyd. We met back in college, when we both worked at JCPenny! We modeled in a few mall fashion shows together, and she and I share the "pageant bug"! Cinamon was Mrs. NC America and I am trying to get her to enter in another pageant! Maybe in the next few years, I hope!
Cinamon is my true "sister". I just don't know what I would do without her. We take time away from our busy mommy lives on occasion and go out to a pageant or dinner. In the 1st picture, we are in Los Angeles having dinner with our handsome husbands (and acting silly). The 2nd photo is in New York City, were we saw Sweet Charity and Chicago. Fun!!!
The 3rd photo is my PR boss and friend, Carol Moore. We met back in 1999 when I was Mrs. United States and she has been a great inspiration to me. She is a woman so involved with her family and community. She handles PR and Advertising, Hosting and is a Theatre Critic - she does it all! I am so glad to know her and look forward to each and every time I travel to Indiana to work!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Tony, Mr. United States 1999 and Mr. Indiana International 2008!!!

Here is a recent photo of my great guy, Tony, Mr. Indiana International 2008! He is my best friend and soul mate. He has always supported me as an actor, advocate and pageant queen! He is my biggest fan and I am his.

Pageant Cast and more...

I was a guest of Tim and Pageant Cast today, November 6th! I know I had a lot to talk about (I just don't always know when to stop talking when I am excited about something!), and I devoted the talk to Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Having volunteered with many organizations, including ACS, Susan G. Komen, and AHA, it is great to work with an organization that is really focused on Lung Cancer. I am touched each day when I meet people that are struggling to survive cancer. I am amazed at their strength and positivity. I don't always stop and think about it. It's tough. I know it has been 11 years since I lost my mom and 9 since I lost my dad, but it still seems like yesterday. My heart is so full with love for these organizations and people; I cherish the opportunity to learn from their experiences.

A friend of mine sent me a book recently," Cure for the Common Life...Living in your Sweet Spot". I just started reading it, but it talks about the unique gifts we each bring to society. If I could wish for anything on this day and everyday is that each of us can live in our sweet spot! Be Unique!! Be yourself!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Rolling Premiere

As an actress, I spend so much of my time auditioning, marketing and filming, that it is great when I have a chance to go to an event. This is the Premiere for the movie "Rolling". I had a co-starring role, and the film is showing at Film Festivals throughout the World. My friend, Renita White was able to attend with me. Renita and I met while filming a commercial/infomercial for Reclaim. I am looking forward to the day I finally have the chance to walk the bigger Red Carpet.

My Greatest Accomplishment, Cameron

As I mentioned in the previous post, my son just started High School, YES High School! He is the light of my life. He skateboards, plays soccer and golf, and the drums. I am so proud of him. He will be walking with me on November 18th at the LA Lung Cancer Walk in association with LUNGevity. I know that Cameron doesn't remember his grandma very well, but this helps him understand and remember her better. It's funny, when my mom and dad both passed away, my son said he saw angels and that it was going to be okay. I think he understands a lot more than most!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mrs. America Pageant

I was able to attend Prelims of Mrs. America in Tuscon, Arizona this past September. It was great to see my sister queen, Laurett Arenz, Mrs. America 2002/Mrs. United States 1997. I just missed Andrea Preuss, but was able to visit with Andrea's mom, Pat Ballengee, the most fun person!! Love her! I was able to meet Mrs. World and Mrs. America, plus spend time with the NC Directors, Wendy and Fred Galle. I love pageant season; honestly it is more fun to support others than compete! I had a tough time picking a top 10 as there were so many great women at ALL the pageants this year!
My son Cameron started High School the day after Prelims, so I had to fly home and miss the the Finals, but what a nice, quick getaway.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Mrs. International Pageant 2007!

It was great fun supporting Mrs. California, Rebekah Negrete. I knew a few of the contestants, Rebekah, who won Mrs. International, Ashley, Mrs. New Mexico, and Robin, Mrs. Florida. It was especially great going to the pageant because I was able to share it with a dear friend, Diana Pizza and 2 new friends, Amy Gregorio (Mrs. Illinois US 07) and Lisa Niewolny (Mrs. Illinois US 06).
The first photo is me and Rebekah after preliminaries, the second photo is Suzie (2006 Queen) and me and the last from left to right is Amy, Lisa, Diana and me before Finals!

More United States photos!

Photos from Mrs. United States 2007!

I was asked to write the Scorecard of Mrs. United States 2007 for Turn For the Judges. This was a new experience for all involved, as the pageant was outside! Stephanie Hunt was crowned the 2007 Queen, and it was a great chance to catch up with my friends. This is one of my best friends, Debra Kennedy. We met back in 1998, and are just like sisters.

It's Official! Lung Cancer Awareness Month!

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month! Remember to visit for information on how to get involved!

This month will be very busy, so I am excited!

Here is a photo of my mom and dad at their wedding - my favorite picture of them! I know I can't bring either of them back, but my focus with Lung Cancer Awareness is in Survival, Not Sorrow!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world!"