Saturday, November 8, 2008

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and the loss of a loved one...

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. This blog is meant to document volunteerism, but this has not been a good year, thus hard to post on a regular basis and equally hard to always be positive and uplifting, so please understand my need to just state fact.
I just attended the funeral of my father-in-law, Jack Ward. On May 14th, I was in Washington, DC, volunteering as a Lobbyist for Lung Cancer Awareness, when I got the call about my father-in-law. He had just been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, on the anniversary of my mother's death, YES - how is that for ironic! I know the pain my husband, Tony, is suffering and it isn't easy to lose a loved one this way.
When I told someone, they said something odd - "well, you have another cause now!" An odd thing to say, and yes I have another reason to reach out and help others, and yes, 1 in 3 people are directly affected by cancer. SO, why have I been touched by cancer so much? - with my mom, my father-in-law, my aunt, my great uncle to name a few, and I have watched both my parents die as I held their hand. I don't know why I have been touched more by this dreadful disease, but my quest is to find the answer to that question, and to do anything and everything I can to help raise awareness, funding and education along the way.
Please visit or www.lungcanceralliance,org to see how you can help; also visit the American Cancer Society. thanks for allowing me to share. blessings!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Huge News for Lung Cancer Awareness!!!

President Signs Government Funding Bill -- Includes top LCA priority

WASHINGTON, D.C. [September 30, 2008]--Tonight, the President signed into law funding for fiscal year 2009. Included in this omnibus measure is money to fund the Department of Defense and a new $20 million Lung Cancer Research Program.

Lung Cancer Alliance President and CEO Laurie Fenton-Ambrose called the new program “a turning point for lung cancer.”

“This is the breakthrough we have all been working so hard for – our advocates, patients and their families, our staff and our Board,” she said.

Fenton-Ambrose credited the chairmen of the House and Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittees for their support and commitment to the new lung cancer research program.

The legislation notes that lung cancer is the most lethal of all cancers, taking more lives each year than all other major cancers combined and that military personnel have heightened exposure to lung cancer carcinogens.

“Priority should be given to the development of the integrated components to identify, treat and manage early curable lung cancer”, it states.

The bill requires the Army to provide a plan for how the funds will be spent and submit that plan to Congress within 120 days.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

From Joel Osteen...

The daily inspirations from Joel Osteen really keep me upbeat and focused. Nothing worth having is easy, and as I strive each day to reach for the stars, I can get frustrated and overwhelmed with the rejection and difficulty in life, especially as an actress. There was a time in my life that I felt as if I could do anything! I long for that feeling again, but I know that anything and everything that I have and do is because of God. I am blessed.

from Joel Osteen's Daily Inspirations - "Today's Word"

“Set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed” (I Peter 1:13).

Is your hope set on God’s divine favor in your life today? One translation of this verse says, “Look forward to more and more of God’s favor.” That’s God’s dream—to pour out His goodness and grace upon you. He wants to help you get ahead in this life. He wants to lead you to the right job. He wants to lead you to the right relationship. But here’s the key: we have to be on the lookout for more of God’s favor. That tells me that we can’t get stagnant.

Don’t ever think that you can’t rise any higher. God wants to do more than you can even ask or think. It says in Ephesians, He wants to show us the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing greatness of His free favor. In other words, God wants to go far and above what we’re used to! He wants to show you favor in unusual and extraordinary ways. Set your hopes higher today. Increase your expectations of what God will do in your life. As you open your heart and mind to His unlimited favor, you will experience the abundance He has in store for you!

A Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for your increase in every area of my life today. I choose to set my hope in You knowing that You want to do more in my life than I can ever imagine. Teach me to be a vessel used by You today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Been a long time....

But I am finally updating my blog! My husband, Tony, is home after almost 4 months! His dad is stable, so keep him in your prayers. Tony is going back to England at Christmas time.
On August 3rd, I Hosted the Free to Breathe event in Los Angeles. While small, we are growing and growing. Your continued support of Lung Cancer Awareness initiatives and smoking cessation campaigns really help. Thanks to those who donate. If you wish to donate, please contact me for the link. Meanwhile, I will try to be better at updating on a weekly basis!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My father-in-law 's cancer update...

My father-in-law's pancreatic cancer is stable. My adoring husband, Tony, has been attending to his mom and dad for the past 3 plus months (in England) -making sure they eat healthy (we are Vegan and eat mostly raw food), and helping with doctor appointments, etc... My father-in-law, Jack, went through chemotherapy and he just had a CT scan. As you know, pancreatic cancer is one of the tough ones....terminal with 4-6 months to live! He is now at the 4 month mark and is doing better than ever! We are so happy, as it is important that he has a quality of life that keeps him happy, joyful and faithful. Prayer really works, so please keep praying for my family.
Blessings, Janice

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Janice in the News! "Turning Tragedy into Advocacy"

Here is one of the recent articles written about my work as an Advocate. I am working to get more coverage for NLCP's Free to Breathe Events before November, National Lung Cancer Awareness Month!

Go to:

OR click on the title of this post to be directed to the article! Thanks!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Los Angeles Free to Breathe 5K

Please help sponsor me for the Free to Breathe Race/Walk for Lung Cancer Awareness. In this tough economical year, any amount will be helpful. Thanks!
Go to:

Monday, July 28, 2008

A time for reflection...

I have been through a lot as of late. I competed at Mrs. International July 17-19, and I did NOT give my very best. Before I left for the national pageant, not only did my custom Sherri Hill gown not come in - stuck in customs (which is the single most stressful thing to happen before a pageant), my hair and makeup person cancelled on me last minute! But I am a strong woman, so I got a gown at the last minute, a hair and makeup person at the last minute, and hoped I would still be able to do my best....well...
I am sharing this with each of you because of the real need to reach out. My father-in-law was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer about 1 month before the pageant. He was given 4-6 months to live. My dear husband, Tony, is in England now, taking care of his dad; he left as soon as he heard. I am visiting next week for 10 days, and my son, Cameron, is staying a month it may be the last time we see Grandpa Jack. My family has been struck by cancer so much - my mom, my aunt, my great uncle, my husband's grandma and now his dad.
These experiences have left me...sad....questioning life, and my purpose in this life. My blog is a tribute to my mom and dad, but I also want to reach out to each of you to pray for my husband's family, for my family, for all that suffer from cancer. Be thankful for health, love, and each other.
God Bless,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Huge News for Lung Cancer Awareness!

This is from the LCA website and I wanted to share with everyone. Please visit the site, or contact me to receive talking points to sent to your local Representative or Senator. We need every Senator's support and co-sponsorship on this matter. Lung Cancer kills twice as many women than breast cancer and is the second leading cause of death in women, 2nd to heart disease.

Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act Introduced in US Senate

Washington, D.C. - Lung Cancer Alliance (LCA) hailed the introduction of legislation that creates the first ever multi-agency, comprehensive program targeted at lung cancer and authorizes $75 million to start the first phase of the five year program to reduce lung cancer mortality.

“This is the turning point,” said Laurie Fenton Ambrose, LCA President & CEO in thanking Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) for co-sponsoring the historic legislation, the Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction Act of 2008 (.pdf).

Last year both senators authored a policy resolution stating that lung cancer must be treated as a public health priority and addressed with a comprehensive program of research, better treatments and earlier detection in order to reduce its mortality rate by 50% by 2015.

That resolution, which established Senate policy on lung cancer, was passed unanimously last year. The bill introduced today builds on that resolution by establishing the comprehensive program under law and authorizing funding.

Senator Hagel, a Senate leader on lung cancer issues since 2003, said: “The federal government should implement a comprehensive policy to help reduce the mortality rate of lung cancer, which accounts for 28% of all cancer deaths in men and women in the United States.”

“We have seen great advancements in prostate and breast cancer survival rates and we must commit ourselves to making the same progress with lung cancer,” he continued. “We must bring people together and have the resources to fight this insidious disease.”

Senator Feinstein, co-chair of the Senate Cancer Caucus and a strong proponent of increased lung cancer research, said: “It’s time for the federal government to step up its efforts and make fighting lung cancer a national priority.”

“Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, but efforts to fund research and innovative new drug therapies have been shortchanged when compared to other cancers. This bill would boost funding and expand research into the causes and treatment of this deadly scourge," she said.

The new bill cites the impact of lung cancer which kills more people each year than breast, prostate, colon, kidney, melanoma and liver cancer--combined.

The Secretaries of Health and Human Services, Defense and Veterans Affairs are required to put together the comprehensive, coordinated plan with funding authorized for five years to accomplish the mortality reduction goal.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is required to review its funding priorities in order to meet the lung cancer mortality reduction goal and more national institutes are called on directly to take part, including the National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood, the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering and the National Institute for Environmental Health

“Anyone who has researched lung cancer knows that as important as tobacco cessation is, that alone will not eliminate lung cancer," said Fenton Ambrose.

She pointed out that 50% of new cases are former smokers and an additional 10 to 15% have never smoked.

One in five women now being diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked.

LCA Board Chairman, Rear Admiral Phillip J. Coady, USN (Ret.), a non-smoker diagnosed with lung cancer three years ago, called the Feinstein-Hagel bill “the most important legislation ever for lung cancer.”

“This bill defines the goal – a 50% mortality rate reduction by 2015 – and gives the agencies the authority they need to get it done,” he said.

To insure accountability, the bill requires an annual report to Congress and creates an oversight board composed of the three Cabinet Secretaries and representatives from the fields of lung cancer treatment, research and advocacy.

“We are deeply grateful to Senator Feinstein and Senator Hagel,” said Admiral Coady, speaking on behalf of the Board of LCA.

“They have been the leaders in bringing congressional and national attention to lung cancer and what needs to be done,” he said.

“Bottom line,” Adm. Coady added, “it will be up to all of us now who have been affected by lung cancer, our families and friends, our caregivers, doctors, nurses and researchers to get this legislation passed into law and fully funded and make certain that the agencies stay focused on the goal.”

In addition, the bill directs the Secretaries of Department of Defense (DOD) and Veterans’ Affairs (VA) to implement an early detection and disease management program for military personnel who are at high risk for lung cancer because of smoking or exposure to carcinogens during active duty.

The bill also:

Authorizes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to create a new Lung Cancer Mortality Reduction drug program with incentives for new treatments, targeted therapies, vaccines and chemoprevention drugs for precancerous conditions.
Requires the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to carry out an early disease research program targeted at the high incidence and mortality rates among minority and low-income populations.

The bill includes specific authorizations of $75,000,000 for certain NIH agencies in FY09 and authorizes such additional sums as may be necessary for all the cited agencies to accomplish the goal for FY 2009 through FY2013.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stand Up to Cancer!

Cancer is not a laughing matter, especially not Lung Cancer. I received this link to a Larry David comedy bit for "Stand Up to Cancer", which comically addresses why cancer needs to be ended! Copy and paste to view. It is well worth the view.
I thought I would share, as his main idea is one we all should share - STRIVING TO END CANCER!

Stand Up to Cancer will be aired on all major channels on September 5th at 8pm. Please click on the link to the right under my picture to see how you can view, donate, get involved and make a difference. Thanks!

In honor of my dad, Neil McQueen, a Veteran and a wonderful, generous man - Happy 4th of July! God Bless!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Senator Boxer to be National Sponsor and to write Bill for Lung Cancer Funding!

As I mentioned before, my trip to Washington, DC was amazing! Senator Boxer will sponsor and write the bill for National Lung Cancer Funding! I will keep you in the loop as I work with Lung Cancer Alliance to make this happen soon!
This picture is from my visit to DC on May 14th to speak with Congress and Senate face-to-face! Wow, what an incredible experience!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Judge the day not by the harvest we reap, but by the seeds we plant"

Here are a few more photos from my busy, busy week. After attending the NLCP Advocacy Summit and the Governor's office, I traveled up to Gary, IN to sing the National Anthem at the Gary RailCats baseball game, Gary vs. Fargo. What fun! Then onward to Hammond, IN, where I sang and spoke at the Sisters in Song Charity on May 31st. I met so many wonderful women, many touched by Lung Cancer. I was able to share my message, and my mom's story. I spoke for those who can't, for those whose lives have been taken prematurely by cancer. I dedicated the song, "My Tribute" to the men and women who have died fighting lung cancer, to my mom and dad, and to those fighting for LIFE, funding, research and treatment! Believe that it will happen, believe that the seeds we plant today will result in bountiful harvest tomorrow, believe in HOPE.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Busy, busy, busy!

I just got home from Chicago where I attended the Lung Cancer Advocacy Summit, met with Indiana's Governor Mitch Daniels, and spoke at the Sisters in Song Charity for Women in Business. Whew! I have more photos coming, but here are a few to share with you.
At National Lung Cancer Partnership's Advocacy Summit, May 27-29, I met survivors and caregivers, like myself, that are advocating for lung cancer prevention and hope. It was an inspirational time, filled with stories, tears, and hope! HOPE - a powerful feeling and message. NLCP hosted the event, and leaders from the Lung Cancer community were in attendance.
I worked alongside the President of NLCP, Dr. Joan Schiller, as a volunteer, advocate and committee member. On the 29th, I met with Laurie Fenton Ambrose, President of Lung Cancer Alliance; we are working together on a Bill for Lung Cancer Research Funding, sponsored by Senator Barbara Boxer and Senator Chuck Hagel. I am excited to be part of this movement, and to have initiated Sen. Boxer's interest.
On Friday the 29th. I met with Governor Daniels and his Health Director, Ellen Witt. His administration is very supportive of National Lung Cancer Awareness Month and of ways we can increase funding in the state of Indiana!
More to come...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

United for Lung Health Advocacy Days!

Pictured here with the Free to Breathe CA CEO Margo and one of her primary advocates, Roslynn. We crossed from the House to the Senate side 10 times! Well worth the aching feet!

May 13th and 14th were United for Lung Health Advocacy Days on Capital Hill. I represented National Lung Cancer Partnership and advocated for increased funding for the NIH and CDC, and for Lung Cancer Awareness.
I met with Senator Lugar, Senator Bayh, and Senator Feinstein's office. I also met with 7 congressmen from CA and Indiana. Everyone was very receptive to my agenda:
6.6% increase in funding for NIH (National Institutes of Health) and CDC (Center for Disease Control)
Increased funding for CMAQ (air quality Improvement)
Increased funding for DERA (Diesel Emission Reduction)
Support of the Family Smoking Prevention Act
Reinforcement of the Indoor Radon Abatement Act (one of the leading causes of lung cancer)

Most importantly, I had a face-to-face meeting with Senator Barbara Boxer, Chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee. She is a strong advocate for clean air, disease control, and cancer funding. After I shared my story about how I lost my mom, she shared that she was aware that lung cancer kills TWICE as many women as breast cancer and that lung cancer has never had adequate funding.

Senator Boxer is writing and sponsoring a Bill for Lung Cancer funding! This means NATIONAL sponsorship and funding! I am working with the DC staff to get this on the floor for voting by the next administration! This is huge, as it will allow funding for research, which will lead to better screening, better treatment and better survival rate. I am so very happy! This proves that one person CAN make a difference.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Revlon Run/Walk

Today I ran a 5K to honor all women and to increase awareness of Women's Cancer - Breast and Ovarian. I am amazed by the wonderful turnout at events such as this - there were over 40,000 people there! Revlon Los Angeles is sponsored by the Entertainment Industry Foundation, EIF. Lisa Paulson with EIF spoke, along with Tom Selleck, Carrie Ann Inaba, and Halle Berry. Lisa mentioned how she had been touched by cancer in her family and that her dad died of lung cancer last year. I also met a young 17 year old today that lost her mom to lung cancer too at the age of 10. Sad...I know what they have gone through and ARE going through. Losing a loved one, so isn't fair.
I ran today because I had a lump removed from my left breast 10 years ago, I ran because I am high risk for breast and lung cancer. I ran because cancer runs in my family. What is sad is that 1 out of 7 women will get breast cancer, but sadder is that more than TWICE as many women die from lung cancer than breast cancer! My challenge to all women (and men) is to get checked, to ask your doctor questions, know if you are at higher risk, and look deeper than the breast...look at your lungs too!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Walk with Sally's Ribbon Cutting

Walk with Sally is a California based non-profit that is doing amazing things. I am training to be a mentor, as I have lost a parent to cancer. I would love to see this organization expand nationwide. I am attending a Grand Opening for their new location before heading to D.C. to visit Indiana's Senators Lugar and Bayh.
Please click on the photo to get a better view of the flyer.

Friday, May 2, 2008

United For Lung Health Lobby Days!


Niece of Screen Legend Steve McQueen Brings Her Personal Fight to
Capital Hill

Mrs. Indiana International 2008, Janice McQueen Ward joins the National Lung Cancer Partnership in their push for National Lung Cancer Awareness. Representing both Indiana and California she will be in Washington on May 13 and 14 for the United for Lung Health/Federal Advocacy Day.

The purpose of this historic event is to educate elected officials about lung disease from the patient’s perspective and to urge government to increase funding of lung health research and educational programs.

Having lost her mother and uncle, the legendary actor Steve McQueen, to this killer, Janice brings a very personal passion to this issue and her intention is to bring Cancer Awareness to the forefront in every state in the United States: This is just the beginning.

If you would like more information or to schedule an interview with Janice McQueen Ward, please call Janice through Laughing Cat Productions at 219.923.3887

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Soroptimist International Charity Fashion Show and Silent Auction

April 12th, 2008

It was a great day, beautiful weather, and a wonderful environment of charity. I modeled in a Fashion Show today, benefiting Soroptimist International - advocates for awareness and prevention of Domestic Violence. To learn more about Soroptimist International's Color Me Pink and Purple, Not Black and Blue, go to -
Mrs. International, Rebekah Negrete, modeled as well. It was great to see Rebekah again and catch up with her. She has had a busy and blessed year, filled with appearances and being a foster parent. She lives her platform daily, which is an inspiration! Her mom, Karen Keller, was there as well. She is a delight and so very sweet.

Miss USA Pageant and Fashion Rocks the Universe!

April 10th and 11th, 2008

What fun! I attended the Fashion Rocks the Universe at Hawaiian Tropic and Planet Hollywood. Great venue and I caught up with a few pageant friends - Holly Ernst, Robin Fleming, Suzy Bootz and more! I met Miss Universe and and the owners of Syrup Swimwear, one of the sponsors.
On Friday, I attended Miss USA with one of my friends, Renita. It was her first pageant experience, so I think I spent most of the night explaining how it all works. I saw Mrs. United America, Deanna as well! One thing I can say about Miss USA, it stays true to its tradition...pageantry at its best!

Girl Scouts of America

April 6th, 2008

While in North Carolina, I spoke to a local Girls Scouts of America Brownie Troup about Volunteerism. We shared examples of how we each can give back. The girls shared how they gave toys to Toys for Tots, served meals at church, visited nursing homes, dropped off food at the local food bank, and donated food to the local animal shelters. Great ideas by all! We visited a local Girl Scout camp, where we rock-climbed (I made it to the top!), hiked and visited the camp accommodations. Funny, when I was a Girl Scout, we slept in tents, not cabins.

Busy, busy, busy!

April 4th and 5th, 2008

Wow, it has been non-stop for the past 2 weeks, so I am just now catching up! I was a Special Guest, Co-Host and Performer for the Mrs. NC United States Pageant. I sang the National Anthem, and asked the Top 5 Platform Questions. It was great to go home and visit with my NC friends and Queens. As a former Mrs. United States, I was honored to be a part of the NC tradition and to see my sister Queens- Debra, Shannon, Kelly, April, and now Nicole. I was also able to visit with Shelby (April's mom), Bria, and Stephanie Hunt. What a blessed weekend. Thanks to Cinamon and Debra for being such great friends - I wish I could visit "home" more often. Love to North Carolina and my Carolina Girls!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Lung Cancer Awareness Advocacy Summit May 27-29

The purpose of the Lung Cancer Advocacy Summit is to provide training and guidance to advocates for how to effect change at a grass-roots level. The summit will consist of teaching workshops, interactive sessions, networking, and small-group discussions. The workshops will be lead by health and research professionals, media trainers, and advocacy trainers. The topics that will be discussed include: understanding lung cancer, how to be your own health advocate, becoming a lung cancer consumer reviewer, how to de-stigmatize the disease, raising lung cancer awareness in your community, and how to navigate the legislative process.
I am on the Advisory Board for this event. I look forward to helping, learning and meeting others that share my passion for making a difference. To find out more information, please contact me or go to

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

My son bought a nice camera with his Birthday and Christmas money, and we finally took the opportunity to take a few photos. My son, Cameron is a pretty good photographer too! Our family is small, but oh so loving and happy.
I wanted to take this time to wish everyone a Blessed Easter!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

United for Lung Health 2008 in Washington, DC

On May 13th and 14th, I am attending the United for Lung Health 2008 Lobby Days in Washington, DC. The United for Lung Health/2008 Federal Advocacy Day provides an opportunity to share our federal action agenda and stimulate discussion on lung research and education programs with federal legislators. The United for Lung Health/2008 Federal Advocacy Day will also provide federal legislators with access to an independent lung health community that is vibrant and dedicated to protecting and promoting lung health and supporting research for lung diseases such as asthma, COPD, lung cancer, LAM, ARDS, pulmonary fibrosis, tuberculosis, sarcoidoisis and others. Please visit to learn more or to sign up and join me!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Crown Photo!

What can I say, except that I love Clay Spann! He does such a great job, and makes everyone feel special. I had the best time in Dothan, which of course you can tell by the big smile on my face! Thanks Clay and Joey!

Network for Hope

March 11, 2008

I found a wonderful organization here in the local area, Walk with Sally, that helps kids 7-17 cope with having siblings or parents with cancer. I volunteered for the first time last night, Tuesday March 11. They teamed up with 2 other fantastic organizations, Hope Wine and Network for Hope, that each have their own wonderful way of helping others. Network for Hope brings people together, and networks with people, organizations and charities. Hope Wine combines their business and love of wine with giving back, as 50% of profits goes to certain charities. They helped sponsor the event last night and are donating 15% of wine purchased to Walk with Sally when using the code "sally" with your online purchase. Check out for THE best wine, ever! I had great fun helping with the door prizes and educating everyone about Walk with Sally. I am currently going through their mentoring training program so that I can mentor children that face the realization that their parent or sibling has cancer and what that means. It is a great balance for me, as with Lung Cancer Awareness, I am mostly dealing with research and funding awareness and I really want to help others going through what I went through. Although I was an adult, the experience is similar and if I can help just one child cope and feel like they have a common bond with another, then I will feel successful.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lung Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation signed by Indiana's Governor Mitch Daniels!

March 4th, 2008

I received a call today from Governor Daniels' Office. He signed the proclamation I sent him! Victory! This Proclamation declares November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month! I have an appointment to meet with the Governor, and I plan to address the needed funding for lung cancer research. We have to approach each state separately, but I know that in time, we will have national funding! It is a GREAT day!