Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Regrets or Homesick?

When I moved to Los Angeles 10 years ago, it was to follow a dream. I took a huge risk in moving here, as did my family. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, outside of losing my parents. With my son graduating High School this year, it has made me think....what would have happened had we not moved and had stayed in NC? THAT has been a question on my mind for a long time. You see, I left my best friends in NC; sure, I have made great friends, even best friends here too, but the guilt of leaving my closest friends was HARD! Even harder was seeing my son leave his best friend behind. Life is different here, very hard, compared to NC. I work more, I am gone more, am I a good parent? Would Cameron be a different child in NC with different aspirations and goals? Did I make the right choice? All questions left to be answered and I may never know the answer. IF I do ever "make it" in LA as an actress and can truly LIVE here the way I could have lived in NC, then I may have perspective.
I've noticed that my friends call less, and I also call them less....because it just hurts. Sounds silly, but it is how I feel. I don't visit NC as often, because it hurts to go home. Maybe that is what Thomas Wolfe meant when he wrote "You can't go home again".
I am visiting NC this year, and hopefully it won't hurt too much, as I really miss everyone!

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